What if we focus the gaze on the unfolding of peace? What if we direct our look at those who were aimed at benefiting from a peace agreement but who instead have chosen to resist its implementation?
Unfolding Peace bears an intersectional approach to peacebuilding and its resistance. We look at those who have been longing for peace as much as at those who resist the making and unfolding of a peace agreement.
Unfolding Peace through an intersectional lens is about reflecting on how gender overlaps, relates or is in tension with class, race/ethnicity, geographical belonging and other power differentials or structural inequalities. It inquires how these intersectional relations shape the experiences of people located at the borders or at oppositional sites of peacebuiding structures.
Unfolding Peace seeks to analyze and provide insights on how those who have engaged in resistance to peace can get on board in the unfolding of transitional justice mechanisms or other peace foldings.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 894411.